Otter Effigy Ballhead Warclub

Otter Effigy Ballhead Warclub 2023

Cattaraugus Territory maple branch junction with pyrography etched Eastern Woodlands symbols on spalted maple base

Billy Logan, Onondaga, Turtle clan

This is a Native American contemporary art woodcarving of a 19th century Native American ballhead warclub by Onondaga artist Billy Logan.

The piece is modeled after 19th-century museum artifacts by the same name. These clubs have been associated with the Eastern Woodlands Native American and closely with the Anishinaabe, Ojibwe, and Haudenosaunee. Animism played a vital role in the ancestors daily life and the power of the animals was harnessed to overcome challenges.

The otter warcluds utilized the otter as the messengers in Ojibwe culture. Legend has them making self sacrifice to become the first medicine bags held by their warriors. In addition, they're cunning and often looked on as strategic in their hunting methods. This piece has the Anishinaabe thunderbird (Animkiig) in the center ofnthe shaft for protection. A sweetgrass braid flanks the shagt as well to represent the strength and unity of community.

This is a strong symbolic piece which attempts to summon the power of “Orenda” the overall power that runs through all objects animate and inanimate.

The Otter Effigy Ballhead Warclub has been selected to be exhibited in the 2023 Hodinöhsö:ni’ Art Show at Ganondagan at the Seneca Arts and Cultural Center on Friday December 1, 2023.

If you are interested in this piece, please contact the Seneca Arts and Cultural Center at (585) 924-5848.


Serpent Slayer Gunstock Warclub


Rooted in the Eastern Woodlands